Practice with Purpose - intensive week
Powerful and creative flowing, sequencing and transitioning, intermediate and advanced Asana
Freie Plätze
Do you ever wonder why you feel different after some practices than after so many others before? There is a lot of power in the way how and what we practice and in right choice and sequence of asana and pranayama - perhaps even more than you realize at first glance. We will look at how we can use movement, breathing and our awareness to influence our musculoskeletal system, our nervous system, our emotions and even our hormone balance and make this work for us through a intense but also personalized, meaningful and purposeful practice. A day could look like this: 7.30 am: Meditation, Pranayama (voluntary, partly independent) 8 am: morning practice (60-90min) 10 am: breakfast/brunch, healthy and fresh, mainly vegetarian, vegan on request, but also other wishes possible from 11.30 am: free time, option for joint excursions or own activities later afternoon: 2nd session: changing topics like inversion/handstand workshop, restorative practice, partner therapeutics, nature-based pranayama practice and more around 7 pm: dinner free time for common end, own activities or silence About Svenja: Svenja is a yoga, movement and arm balance teacher (specialized to handstands and other advanced arm balances) with more than 4000 hours of teaching experience. She runs her own Yoga studio in Cologne, Germany, and teaches international Retreats and workshops. Before opening her studio, she worked as an intensive care nurse for seven years, which gave her a deep understanding of the human body and the importance of physical and mental health even before her time as a yoga teacher. Her practice is a wonderful blend of dynamic movements - done with awareness, a purpose and always with a balance of strength, flexibility and mobility -, intense poses, playful transitions and inversions and calming moments that create a deeper awareness of body and mind and a deeper connection. Conditions for cancellation: Cancellation deadline: - up to 6 Months before the retreat: 50% of the price - up to 8 weeks before the retreat: 70% of the price - from 2 weeks before the retreat: full price We recommend a travel insurance for your safety.

Bevorstehende Sessions
Umbuchung & Kündigung
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